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Showing posts with the label Volt Typhoon

Exposing China's Stealthy Cyber-Espionage Tactics : Volt Typhoon

 Volt Typhoon is a moniker that has become well-known in the cybersecurity community. Since mid-2021, it has been used to coordinate a sophisticated cyber espionage campaign against critical infrastructure organizations around the United States, including Guam. Experts have expressed their worries about this massive operation, which is believed to have been carried out by a Chinese state-sponsored cyber outfit and is regarded as one of the biggest cyber espionage attacks against the United States. Volt Typhoon operates primarily via a tactic called "living off the land," which entails breaking into local networks in order to alter tools and give orders while staying mostly unnoticed. By using this cunning tactic, hackers can blend in with the network and make themselves difficult to detect. Government, marine communications, manufacturing, IT, utilities, transportation, construction, and education are just a few of the vital industries that the company targets. This wide rang