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Climate Change Upsets the Apple Cart of Orchardists in Himachal Pradesh

The apple economy in Himachal Pradesh, India, is facing severe challenges due to climate change. Warmer winters, less snowfall, untimely rains, and hailstorms have led to a significant drop in apple production in the region. Traditional apple varieties have seen a decrease in lifespan, and prices of fertilizers and pesticides have been increasing year after year.Image source: GoogleThe monsoon season has also brought losses to the apple economy, with widespread damage caused by rain and hailstorms.
Image source: Google
 The impacts of climate change on apple production have been observed since 2010, with production never surpassing the highest recorded figure that year. The government has decided to sell apples based on weight instead of boxes, allowing farmers to earn more for their produce.A 2020 study highlights the average increase in temperature, reduction in rainfall, and increase in CO2 concentration as factors that reduce apple yield. The study also notes the shifting of apple belts to higher altitudes and the decline in pollinators due to high temperatures. The lack of chilling hours, water shortage, and evaporation rates cause a decrease in yield, affecting the quality of the fruits.Farmers are seeing increased incidents of diseases and pest attacks in apple trees. Crop diversification and the adoption of high-density apple varieties are suggested as strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change. The government is urging farmers to join the Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme to protect against adverse weather conditions.Ultimately, the situation in Himachal Pradesh calls for a collective effort from the government, universities, and farmers to adapt to the challenges of climate change.


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