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What are some scary psychological facts about human beings?

1. The Mere Exposure Effect: Repeated exposure to a stimulus, even a neutral one, can increase our liking for it. This phenomenon can lead to us developing positive feelings towards people we initially found unattractive.

2. The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Individuals with low ability in a particular domain tend to overestimate their abilities, while those with high ability tend to underestimate their abilities.

3. The Halo Effect: Positive or negative impressions of one aspect of a person can influence our overall perception of them, even in unrelated domains. For example, we may perceive someone as more intelligent if they are physically attractive.

4. The Confirmation Bias: We tend to seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs and ignore or dismiss information that contradicts them. This can lead to biased decision-making and entrenched beliefs.

5. The Backfire Effect: When presented with evidence that contradicts their beliefs, some people may become even more entrenched in those beliefs. This is because the evidence triggers a defensive response that strengthens the existing belief.

6. The Bystander Effect: In emergency situations, the presence of others can reduce the likelihood of an individual intervening to help. This is because we assume that someone else will take action, leading to a diffusion of responsibility.

7. The Extinction Effect: We are more likely to forget information that has been repeatedly presented to us than information that has been presented only once. This is because the repeated presentation creates a "cognitive cue" that inhibits the retrieval of the information.

8. The Decoy Effect: The presence of an inferior third option can make an alternative option seem more attractive. This is because the inferior option creates a contrast effect that makes the alternative option appear more valuable.

9. The Placebo Effect: Belief in the effectiveness of a treatment can produce real physical and psychological benefits, even if the treatment itself is inert. This is because our beliefs can trigger the release of neurochemicals that have beneficial effects on our health.

10. The Pygmalion Effect: The expectations of others can shape our behavior. If we believe that someone is capable, they may perform better than they would have if we had low expectations. Conversely, if we believe that someone is incapable, they may perform worse than they would have if we had high expectations.


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